Flexible Workout plans

Personalize your workouts based on fitness goals or customize your own.

No more guesswork.

Download on iOS for unlimited workouts and verify your proper form.

For you

Workout Modes

Don't know what workout to do?

Firefly enables you to dive into a workout that aids your fitness goals. Personalize your own workout anytime, anywhere. Choose from the options that you do know and Firefly will handle the rest.

  • Select your fitness level: This is a fitness tool that doesn't judge you. Be honest and have the app help you over time!
  • Choose a fitness goal: Body progress takes time, but Firefly can help you reach your goals faster by focusing on what you really want to achieve.
  • Find time: How long have you been watching shorts? Have the mentality of "Do it, Get out". The overall workout is actually quicker than you think.

Get creative or follow along with others

See a workout you like online and want to make sure you perform them properly? Firefly gives you control over what you want to do with your friends or yourself.

  • Customize your workout: 100 push-ups? Why not? Challenge your friends and send proof. If you have a favorite routine, see quicker fitness results using Firefly as a tool.  
  • Organize your workouts each day: Dive right into one of workouts you created and be done. You just saved a ton of time.
  • Share your results: Want to prove or show your workout buddy your progress? You have to workout for the app to track any statistics. Firefly can prove your efforts.

Complete a Challenge or Program

Things getting a bit boring? Try taking on a challenge and earn a badge! In order to earn the badge, you physically have to do the workout with proper form!

Don't know where to start? Try one of our workout programs as a start! You must perform each workout with proper form to unlock the next workout.

*Disclaimer: These are general workouts, not personalized so please be careful while you workout!