Be held accountable anytime, anywhere

An app that makes you accountable for your form

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How do I hold myself accountable?

Possibly, one of the most common questions within the fitness space. Common solutions include building a habit or setting a goal.

Firefly requires users to physically work out to track any form of progress. So, if you're having trouble holding yourself accountable for your fitness goals, try starting with just 10 reps a day.

Set small, achievable goals and appreciate the progress you make over time. Remember, each rep displayed in your stats is physical proof that you took the time to work out.

Share your workout progress

Let your friends and family know and keep each other accountable with just one tap. Show proof that you actually did the workout using the share feature after you complete a workout. Or share a screenshot.

Firefly will send a snapshot of the number of reps and exercises you completed to the recipient. Share it on your social media or to your workout buddy. Regardless, Firefly will log your efforts over time.