More Sessions.
Same Schedule.

Firefly Classroom is the only platform with 24/7 real-time form feedback and progress tracking for trainers and their clients.

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Train clients using your movements

Your AI training assistant learns from you, not a generic library. Send us your videos, and it will verbally guide your students to achieve your form - anytime, anywhere.

24/7 accountability and availability

No matter where they are or what time it is, your AI trainer only registers valid reps based on the criteria you set for your clients. All they need to do is open the app and start working out. Firefly is the only app on the App Store with reliable pose tracking technology and feedback mechanism.

Offer premium service to your clients

Make your coaching business stand out with 24/7 real-time feedback on your clients' form. Customize your AI trainer using your data to guide your students' movements and adjust difficulty levels. The app will only count valid reps, determined by you - no more confirmation buttons for your clients.

Dashboard Demo

Frequently asked questions

Can you see me through my device's camera?

How is Firefly Classroom better than other personal training software? (@Firefly_Fitness)

What is Firefly and what does it do? (@Firefly_Fitness)