Workout and learn without judgement

Firefly coaches you one-on-one anytime, anywhere without judgement

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Receive 1-on-1 feedback for every rep to properly activate your muscles and reach your fitness goals

Firefly accurately tracks your body and provides a score based on how well you perform each rep, kinda like a real personal trainer

How it works

Are you going all the way down? Think of your muscles like an accordion. When you fully open and close an accordion, you will make a rich and powerful sound. Whereas, if you move the accordion halfway, the sound is weaker.

Firefly uses your phone's camera to 'see' your form to check if you're stretching those muscles.

How is Firefly any different?

Other AI fitness trainer apps provide you workout plans, organize, and track your progress. However, there is no accountability or way to ensure proper form.

  • Why this is important: Giving a workout and tracking your progress is the bare minimum required for personal training. But the most important things, especially for fitness beginners, are doing the exercises correctly and having someone to help keep you on track. Without these, it takes longer to reach your goals, you get frustrated and drift away

How does this help you? Instead of just checking if you went up and down, Firefly calculates your individual body parts to indicate proper form. With the better pose tracker, Firefly tracks dynamic human movements like burpees and score every rep. So, you'll not only know how many you did but also if you're doing them correctly in real-time.

Firefly is the only app on the market that gives you a score every rep using different parts of your body like your left shoulder, right elbow, or left hip.

  • So what? If you did something wrong, the app would tell you how well you did each rep by showing you a bar (Green = You're doing good | Yellow = You're almost there | Red = Check your form).

Issues with other fitness methods

Workout Generator apps: There are so many fitness apps that looks different but are pretty much the same. Almost every app will provide you with personalized workouts and track your progress. Wouldn't it be more helpful if you knew what you were doing?

Rep counters: These apps use a pose tracker or wearables to track your movements, but they often don't work well. This is because the tracking can be too slow when you move fast, or they don't have enough data to be accurate. You can tell by how well they place the dots on your body on the screen. Also, if you don't fix your form, the number of reps you do won't really matter.

Personal trainers: These are high premium commitments which most people cannot afford or schedule time for in the long run. On average, personal trainers roughly start around $400 per month and meet 3 times a week in-person or $200 per month online.

Over time, these numbers may not be ideal for people who are unsure about taking the next step. For those who don't understand the basics, it would be more cost-efficient to perform proper form before moving forward.

Smart Gyms: Another high-cost option with monthly fees and the downside of taking up space if it goes unused. The price of a smart gym is comparable to a brand new 70" TV, plus adjustable weights, a dongle, and more.

It's not ideal for those who may end up using it as a clothes hanger or worry about reselling it later. Additionally, these smart gyms don't offer pose tracking for every exercise and are limited to on-screen programs.

The point of all this?

Firefly offers convenient one-on-one personal training, accurately scoring each rep based on your performance to help you reach your fitness goals faster, anytime and anywhere.

Receive accurate feedback from our verified database

If you're going to be receiving feedback on your form, you would want it to be valid.

Firefly has developed a unique method to create a verified pose sample database. Unlike popular methods, such as unreliable pose trackers that result in poor data, Firefly uses a robust process to produce high-quality data for each exercise. Basically, your trainer knows what proper form looks like.

How do we determine proper form? Firefly references the average exercise performed by credible fitness experts.

With Firefly's expanding database, users have access to the highest quality fitness data on the fitness app market.

Guy doing jumping jacks on screen using AI fitness trainer