We went out and surveyed 100+ people to hear what helps them with their fitness lifestyle
"There are some exercises that I don't feel comfortable doing in public like Good Morning. I'm afraid that people will judge my form like the people from those Planet Fitness videos."
"I work at an investment firm and struggled with finding time to workout. Found watching an following along a workout from Youtube in the morning helped me. But yeah, maybe I don't have proper form. Never really checked myself.
"If I had to choose...accountability? I used to be very into fitness but fell off for about 6 months. Now, I'm starting to get back into it but...yeah, it's hard. I just want to be in good health."
"I don't know, working out for 2 hours seems like a lot...what? Oh, really that short?
"When I first started out, I watched a ton of Youtube videos and experimented a lot to learn my form."
"As someone with ADHD, I lose count of my reps ALL THE TIME. My brain can't handle sets over 8 reps apparently. I just go to failure or one rep shy of failure when I lose count"
"I want to get into fitness but don't have the motivation to start. That's why I like coming out here in volleyball to play with everyone else"
"I just don't have the time to work out. I wake up at 6:30am and work till around 8pm. Later, I have to do some house chores, eat, shower, and go to bed. Just too tired to do anything more."
"I've been trying to get my friends on board with fitness with me. But they aren't really interested or motivated to workout."
No, we don’t store or view any camera footage as you're working out.
Firefly is your AI Personal Trainer. It uses your device's camera to 'see' if you're doing the full motion properly. It will provide a score and verbal improvements in real-time for every rep you do if you make a mistake.
You can customize your workouts using our verified trainer database or create one for yourself! Take on challenges and earn badges along the way! Based on your strictness level settings, the app will only track properly executed reps for each exercise. After completing your workout, you can rate it or share your results with friends.
If your trainer is part of the Firefly Classroom program, you can join a classroom and follow their custom program until you've mastered every movement. No more hitting that 'Confirm' button whenever it’s convenient!
Firefly is the only workout app on the market with real-time form feedback, using our reliable pose tracker and trainer data. Why is this important? Form comes first in training. While other apps suggest routines, only Firefly rates your form and provides real-time feedback for every rep.
Compared to other pose-tracking apps, ours is the fastest and most accurate. This is valuable because it allows Firefly to provide instant corrections, so you can recognize and correct your mistakes. Additionally, we generate our own trainer data, rather than relying on unreliable third-party sources.
While watching video tutorials and pictures can help, they may not always be followed accurately. Firefly watches how you move and gives you a score for each exercise. No matter how many times you make a mistake, it's okay! Practice as much as you need to.
For you, Firefly is beneficial if you need accountability. We don’t claim to teach "perfect form" because everyone is different. Focus on what’s most comfortable and safe while maximizing your workout.
Firefly is designed to provide general form guidance using a full range of motion (ROM) and accountability. It will provide verbal guidance if you make mistakes and display your score on the screen using a moving bar. To track your reps and streaks, you must physically work out in front of the camera and meet the strictness level you've set. Share your results or create custom workouts with friends to ensure they’re doing them correctly too.
The name "Beige" came about because we didn’t want to overthink it. We tried registering names like 'The Company,' 'Company,' 'The Normal Company,' and 'Generic Company.' Ultimately, we settled on a simple, "normal" sounding color - Beige - and decided to focus our energy on building a great product instead.
We want to guide you every step of the way. At first, it’s natural to feel uncertain about what to do or where to go. That’s why we chose the name Firefly - to symbolize a guiding light for those who feel lost in the dark, helping them find their way along their journey.
Our AI trainer is here to support you without judgment. If you stray from your path, simply get back on track, and we’ll continue to work together towards your goals.
As an app, Firefly makes it easy for anyone with a smartphone to access personalized guidance. Download your own AI trainer and let it illuminate your path to success. With Firefly, you’re never alone on your journey - our light is always there to help you find your way.